Monday, January 18, 2010

holy smokes

Age is all
that you want to let it to be
it can drive you to your knees
be sure
be certain
but be thou not a'feared, good sir!

Age is a heapin' helpin' o' bull-puckey,
if you ask me good sir,
a bad marketing pitch gone awry,
one more bs flier in my inbox
damnable pack of lies.

One day at a time
is all you need to know.
There's always seeds to sow,
forever time to grow
and a little more to know.

An ache, a pain, a clog to contend with
in some or another drain,
really just today's happenstance, if you keep it all
in the right,
the correct,
the accurate and real
frame of mind

Just something happening today.

And tomorrow will be another.

And you really and you truly
are know older
than you allow yourself to buy into that age old bill
of goods
that can creep up on ya


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